I am a mexican designer and crafter, living in Montreal, Québec.
My mexican heart makes me love the traditions, colors, folklore and joyful forms of my beloved Mexico. Living in Canada has helped me to appreciate the nature, the freedom and learn to be thankful. Canada is my adopted country, and now I am also a proudly canadian.

I studied industrial design and as soon as I could, I started KERATTO in Mexico during the spring of 2006 (Time goes fast!). With a few designs and products I started my dream. The path is not always easy, and as entrepreneurs, we are always learning and developing.

The objective of Keratto has always been designing useful and joyful products with a real meaning or purpose. You will find in my creations: souvenirs, favors, gifts and accesories made specially for you. Everything can be personalized, which makes my products unique and very special.

Part of KERATTO is branding, where I help entrepreneurs to give a name and an image to their dream.

As a designer, I love creating products from scratch, and that is how it was born KERATTO HANDMADE, where I cut, embroider and sew by hand every single piece. As it takes me lots of time, this collection is only by request and I ask for patience 

My last collection is one that makes me so happy: silver jewelry! It has been a while since I started dreaming about it, and now it has become a reality.

Thank you for being part of my story by following my work.

Cristina Sevilla